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స్వరాంజలి – Delicious Banquet Lunch With Live Music Performance

దీపం సమర్పిస్తున్న మరో వినోదమైన వేడుక-స్వరాంజలి Delicious Banquet Lunch With Live Music Performance

On Mon 1 May 2017 12:00 pm – 6:00 pm @ Norfolk Hotel,267 Hagley Road,Birmingham,B16 9NA

We are having an exciting programme this May bank holiday with renowned Tollywood singers Mallikarjuna and Gopika Poornima delighting the audience with their beautiful voices. We also have the famous writer, actor, and director Jonnavithula, who will be entertaining us with his talent as well as some amazing local talents to show off their skills such as dances and music.

This event includes a delicious banquet lunch with a live programme. As usual, Deepam are committed to keeping the admission prices at a reasonable price. There are only 900 banqueting seats available, therefore book soon to avoid disappointment.

Doors will be closing at 2pm – please ensure when you are booking tickets that you will be able to attend PRIOR to this, and not after 2pm.


Let’s Help Kiran Arava and Family

Another sudden death of Telugu guy from Aberdeen… Please do your bit financially and help to complete repatriation… Seems he was a nice guy, was staying in Aberdeen and got married just an year ago. His wife went to India and he was alone at home and Police went to his house and he was pronounced dead.

Gofund link below

Lets show our support to his family and pray to almighty to give them strength to overcome this injustice.